How SAYVES Works:

The mobile wallet of your dreams is coming to your area. The SAYVES wallet combines loyalty and gift cards into what is called mCash. mCash is automatically combined with a new digital cash account at participating banks in what is called InCash. Both mCash and InCash are processed for less than half of current payment processing fees alone. This saves merchants money that in turn is shared with you the shopper saving you money with each purchase while increasing your security, saves time and money with every purchase. By signing up now, you can ensure the merchants you shop at will follow and share their savings with you.

SAYVES employs patented Net Processing that when deployed reduces 2 billion daily money transfers down to less than 20,000 potentially saving more than $1 billion per day. Combine this with Vanishing Encryption Security, that replaces your data with micro-bursts of unique and dynamic data eliminating exposure of your data in the open and manage your data with Blockchain accounting systems and you have the most efficient and effective financial ecosystems in the world.

Those viewing the SAYVES demonstration can’t wait to get rid of their cards and use their SAYVES wallet on their phone to manage their money more conveniently and securely.

  1. Receive hundreds to thousands in mCash from participating merchants
  2. Save on average up to 20% on every purchase
  3. Ultimate Security - Never exposes your information in the open
  4. Easy to use: Single Log-In, Seamlessly combines mCash and InCash and processes both in less than a second
  5. Immediate access to funds in most cases and all within 24 hours
  6. SAYVES Student Mission helps pay for student and school expenses
  1. Saves the cost of setting up, manufacturing, and administrating a Gift Card Program by offering mCash without additional expenses
  2. Attracts and rewards New, Loyal, and Repeat Customers with mCash
  3. Increases Revenue and Profits
  4. Combines Payment, Loyalty, and Rewards into a single, simple InCash and mCash transaction
  5. Utilizes all data enabled smart phones and handheld Barcode Scanners
  6. Simple merchant integration through utilization of existing POS software and robust APIs
  1. SAYVES contributes 50% of Net Income to Student Mission
  2. SAVES homeschoolers, schools, teachers and students money
  3. One time registration fee and one time wallet set up is quick and easy
  4. Teaches real commerce (No inflated prices or unwanted products)
  5. Allows parents and students the ability to pay for their education